Aldi Hungary



Aldi Hungary currently has 138 stores nationwide. So far they have used their website and Aldi Career Facebook page for recruitment. As job requests were continuously growing, more and more full-time communications or HR staff members were necessary to handle the requests.

Our client’s goal was to automate the handling of repetitive requests and to free up human resources, so a Messenger chatbot proved to be the perfect solution to the problem.


Job search

Users can search for jobs by category

Offering jobs

The chatbot also navigates candidates to job offers and collects hot leads

Free text FAQ

This function not only reduces time and costs but also increases user experience

GDPR handling

The chatbot runs with full GDPR compliance

Personalized reminder function

This function makes the chatbot even more useful and enjoyable

The Aldi Career page now has a smart chatbot with hundreds of topics in its knowledge base, FAQ to answer customer questions immediately. In addition, users can also search for jobs by category, or by indicating their location.

The chatbot not only handles incoming requests, it provides another channel for offering jobs, and it also navigates candidates and collects hot leads. Technically, even without an API connection, the chatbot can retrieve a list of the constantly changing jobs from Aldi’s system.