Talk-A-Bot's new product: Cheq

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Talk-A-Bot’s new product: Cheq

There are 2.2 billion people without a company e-mail address or any other digital communication channel to their employer. Let us introduce our new product, which is the right tool to bridge the communication gap between physical workers and their employers. Cheq by Talk-A-Bot has arrived.

Communicating online in many places and in many industries is still the future. We don’t really think about it, but that’s the harsh truth. We use dozens of IT tools in our work on a daily basis. But what about all the physical workers? They’re stuck in the past of poor management communication. Despite the fact that they all have smartphones. As a matter of fact, there are more smartphones sold than toothbrushes. So why are we not using digital technology to communicate with every worker? Cheq by Talk-A-Bot can bridge the communication gap between physical workers and the company.

Farmers usually have a problem with instantly communicating with temporary workers when weather conditions change. In such situations, they need to reach 150 workers one by one. And that takes a LOT of time. Cases like this made us realize that blue-collar or physical workers don’t have a corporate communication tool in the digital space. Lack of information leads to expensive fluctuation and loss of productivity.

Think about all the people that work in the automotive, pharmaceuticals, logistics industries. This is an underserved market that adds up to 2.2 billion people. Furthermore, there are 2.2 billion people without a company e-mail address or any other digital communication channel by their employer.

Talk-A-Bot built the right tool for them. TechStars and Rakuten helped us to conduct research on 3 continents with owners, managers, supervisors and regular workers of our target customers. As we found out, they all wanted the same: fast, simple, digital communication.

Talk-A-Bot’s solution: Cheq

Cheq is the right tool to bridge the communication gap between physical workers and their employers. Workers receive real-time, reliable information from their employer from the supervisors and not only verbally. Let’s consider major floodings, for instance. In cases like that, one must update hundreds of workers regularly updated regarding working hours in order to maximize production. Or we can take a small issue like a bus breakdown when a company needs to quickly reach 30-40 people. Such announcements can be sent out easily to a target group and the responses are reported live.

Workers can finally make themselves heard too. Cheq provides a structured, controlled way of bottom-up communication like:

  • Requesting leave or payslips
  • On-demand internal policy documents
  • Reporting of hazards, or even sensitive personal issues like abuse

Chat involvement in enterprise communication is inevitable. We built the right tool to make chat a structured, official channel. Our technology is built for enterprise clients from the ground up. We offer GDPR compliance, security, performance, and multiple integrations out of the box. Moreover, content and reporting are customizable based on local culture and processes. The best thing about our pricing is that even the smallest clients get all the features.

Check out our product at: